QQML 2022

The National Hellenic Research Foundation- NHRF

Because of the uncertain times we live the conference will be hybrid this year: Physically and virtually organized. This choice faces the challenges of the visa denial, virus pandemics etc.

Main theme: “Measuring of reading and literacy in future libraries: transformation and innovation

Sub- themes:

  1. New ICTs and their influence on everyday life of libraries:
      1. Artificial intelligence: Librarians and users experience
      2. Blockchain
      3. Agile
      4. Library Information systems, coalitions, networks
  1. Sustainable Development Goals:
      1. Green libraries
      2. Political, economic and social inclusion
      3. Strategies and initiatives
      4. Measurement and impact analysis
  1. Social Μedia and the marketing:
      1. Digital literacy
      2. Media literacy
      3. Users behaviour
      4. Communication
  1. Future libraries
      1. Expanded boundaries
      2. New generation of services
      3. Innovative synergies and collaborations
  1. Library theory and research: New theories, models and frameworks in LIS
  2. Collection management:
      1. Google age and young people in libraries
      2. Public access and open access
      3. E-scholarship
      4. Academic and research libraries
Final Program including presentations Program_ppt
Click the link below to view and download the PDF QQML_PROGRAM_2022
See final program with interconnections here.
Title: Do we know the future – how can we prepare for the future Pictures Authors affiliation: National Library of Finland Abstract: Complexity is challenging traditional strategic tools and leadership. Scenario work and recognizing of megatrends are ways for organizations to face complex change and to find successful solutions for the future. Leadership cannot any longer...
Title: Guidelines, recommendations and near future for university libraries Authors affiliation: Luiza Baptista Melo Faculdade de Medicina Dentária, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal / Universidade de Évora – Centro Interdisciplinar de História, Culturas e Sociedades, Portugal Tatiana Sanches UIDEF, Instituto de Educação, Universidade de Lisboa, Portug Abstract: The idea of change in university libraries motivates academic...
Gali Halevi, PhD Author affiliation: Director of the Institute for Scientific Information,  Clarivate Abstract: Without a trusted record of research, it’s impossible to replicate results, use research outcomes effectively, or build upon prior ideas, and in today’s era of “fake news” and public mistrust of science, maintaining the validity of the scholarly record is more...
Assoc. Prof. Title: Libraries today: from third places to data spaces Authors affiliation: Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski Abstract: The constant advance of information and communication technologies brought recently a new agent for change on the doorsteps of libraries: data spaces. This talk will discuss what are the ambitions of introducing data spaces in other...
Stephanie Beene, University of New Mexico; Katie Greer, Oakland University Title: Librarians in an Information Disordered Society: Where are we now, and where are we going? Abstract: The information age has brought with it a wealth of opportunities, but also what scholar Matthew Hannah has termed “the information dark age,” with the rise of QAnon...
Event Details
  • Start Date
    May 24, 2022
  • End Date
    May 27, 2022
March 2025