Assoc. Prof.
Title: Libraries today: from third places to data spaces
Authors affiliation: Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski
Abstract: The constant advance of information and communication technologies brought recently a new agent for change on the doorsteps of libraries: data spaces. This talk will discuss what are the ambitions of introducing data spaces in other sectors and what would be the implications on libraries and the relationships with patrons.
This will be complemented by a reflection on the changes in libraries during the COVID- 19 pandemic which had a major influence on reshaping the role of libraries as third places.
The data space example will be used to explore how innovations arrive to libraries and what skills of librarians help to absorb technological innovations.
Keywords: Innovation, data spaces, heteromation
Milena Dobreva is an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics of Sofia University St Kliment Ohridski. She is also affiliated with the GATE Institute Big Data for Smart Society of Sofia University where she leads the research on disinformation. In 2004, she was the founding head of the first Digitisation Centre in Bulgaria. In 2008⎯2011, she worked at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow where she had principal investigator’s roles in research and development projects funded by the EC, JISC, the European Digital Library Foundation, and the Scottish Funding Council. In 2017, she joined the University College London, where she led in the introduction of four
She is a member of the editorial board of the IFLA Library Journal and currently serves on the Management Board of Europeana Network Association and is a member of the Scientific Board of DARIAH-EU. Milena is also on the Steering committees of all three major international series of conferences in digital libraries, ICDL, TPDL and ICADL.