
Stephanie Beene, University of New Mexico; Katie Greer, Oakland University Title: Librarians in an Information Disordered Society: Where are we now, and where are we going? Abstract: The information age has brought with it a wealth of opportunities, but also what scholar Matthew Hannah has termed “the information dark age,” with the rise of QAnon...
Professor of Digital Humanities, University of Cambridge, UK Plenary Talk: Digital Humanities: What Does it Need to Be? Abstract: Digital Humanities has never been a settled thing. There may be US and European origin stories about what it was, or how it was supposed to be. But it has always morphed, moved along with critical...
Director of Library Services, National Library of Estonia Plenary Talk: To Improve is to Change: Service Based Organisation and Change Management in the National Library of Estonia Abstract: Today, when all processes, service models and technological solutions are changing rapidly, memory institutions are constantly trying to find the best solutions to adapt, survive, perform and...
Diputació de Barcelona, Stichting IFLA Global Libraries Foundation Chair, Spain Plenary Talk: Cultural Heritage Organisations as assets for Sustainable Development Abstract: In a global world like is our nowadays’ world, access to information via Cultural Heritage Organisations acquires new requirements to achieve. Librarians we have to suit our role as the main players to guarantee...
Associate Professor, Wilmeth Active Learning Center, Purdue University, USA Brief Biography: Research Areas: Geographic Information Systems, Geospatial data discovery, integration, visualization, and management. Education: Ph.D., Penn State University, 2006 M.S., Peking University, 2001 B.S., Peking University, 1999 Professional Experience: Assistant Professor, Purdue University Libraries, Purdue University, 2012 – Assistant Professor (by courtesy), Forestry and Natural...
Executive Director Qatar National Library, Qatar ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Plenary Talk: The Challenge of Imagining a New National Library Abstract: The role of the library in our society continues to evolve. The evolution of public and academic libraries is often discussed, but the changing role of the national library is also crucial to recognize. While a national...
PhD, Editor in Chief of Digital Library Perspectives ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Plenary Talk: International Perspectives on Library and Information Science Research Methodology: trends and practices for the profession Abstract: The international perspective about LIS research trends started with articles by Järvelin and Vakkari (1990; 1993). The Section of Library Theory and Research of IFLA after this first...
Federal University of Minas Gerais Fundação Getulio Vargas, Brazil Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Plenary Talk: Data Science, Machine Learning, Knowledge Organization and Digital Humanities: some reflections on the fields of knowledge Abstract: Data Science has been described as an interdisciplinary field of scientific methods, processes, algorithms and systems to extract knowledge or insights from...
Principal Research Scientist, Technology & Social Change Group, University of Washington, USA ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________   Plenary Talk: Development and Access to Information: The Role of Libraries in Advancing the Sustainable Development Goals Abstract: Can access to information create more socially and economically inclusive societies? Given the unprecedented ability we have today to gather, use, create, and...
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Anthi Katsirikou
QQML Conference co-chair | Librarian, PhD, MSc anthi@isast.org