
Title Theoretical and methodological contributions to the construction and use of indicators in libraries   Jorge Moisés Kroll do Prado Professor, Santa Catarina State University President of the Brazilian Federation of Associations of Librarians, Information Scientists and Institutions – FEBAB   Abstract Management by indicators in a library is fundamental for efficiency, effectiveness and the...
Title Exploring Complexity: Understanding and Addressing Multifaceted Challenges in Impact Assessment   Abstract T This presentation delves into the intricacies of organizational siloing, emphasizing the need for a holistic perspective in comprehending the dynamics of impact. Recognizing that a profound understanding of interconnected phenomena is essential, the presentation advocates for phenomenon-based approach as a response....
Title Understanding Librarians: Developing the Teaching Role of Chinese Librarians Abstract With increasing roles in education that include teaching responsibilities, librarians need to learn more about pedagogical theories and techniques to provide high-quality information literacy (IL) instruction (Agyemang, 2020). Previous studies have been done in South Africa (Hart, 2006), Canada (Julien & Pecoskie, 2009; Julien...
Title Media and information literacy and the right of access to information Speakers Nikos Panagiotou1 and Anthi Baliou2 1Associate Professor at the Department of Journalism and Media of the Aristotle University. 2PhD Candidate at the Department of Journalism and Mass Media of the Aristotle  University of Thessaloniki and a Senior Researcher at the Peace Journalism...
Title: Misinformation and Information Behavior: Challenges for Information Professionals Abstract: Misinformation and disinformation are not new phenomena but are particularly concerning in the era of social media. This workshop will explore how mis- and dis-information spread, and how information behavior facilitates this spread, and challenges attempts to counter it. The potential roles of information professionals...
Title: The Roots and Future of Information Literacy: Reflections from 11+ Years Working with Paul G. Zurkowski, Esq. Abstract: As we approach the 50th anniversary in 2024 of first Information Industry Association president Paul Zurkowski’s 30-page founding report to the U.S. Commission on Libraries and Information Science, Washington, DC where he has been recognized as the...
Title: Do we know the future – how can we prepare for the future Pictures Authors affiliation: National Library of Finland Abstract: Complexity is challenging traditional strategic tools and leadership. Scenario work and recognizing of megatrends are ways for organizations to face complex change and to find successful solutions for the future. Leadership cannot any longer...
Title: Guidelines, recommendations and near future for university libraries Authors affiliation: Luiza Baptista Melo Faculdade de Medicina Dentária, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal / Universidade de Évora – Centro Interdisciplinar de História, Culturas e Sociedades, Portugal Tatiana Sanches UIDEF, Instituto de Educação, Universidade de Lisboa, Portug Abstract: The idea of change in university libraries motivates academic...
Gali Halevi, PhD Author affiliation: Director of the Institute for Scientific Information,  Clarivate Abstract: Without a trusted record of research, it’s impossible to replicate results, use research outcomes effectively, or build upon prior ideas, and in today’s era of “fake news” and public mistrust of science, maintaining the validity of the scholarly record is more...
Assoc. Prof. Title: Libraries today: from third places to data spaces Authors affiliation: Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski Abstract: The constant advance of information and communication technologies brought recently a new agent for change on the doorsteps of libraries: data spaces. This talk will discuss what are the ambitions of introducing data spaces in other...
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Anthi Katsirikou
QQML Conference co-chair | Librarian, PhD, MSc anthi@isast.org