QQML 2019

The European University Institute (EUI) is a unique international centre for doctorate and post-doctorate studies and research, situated in the Tuscan hills overlooking Florence.

Since its founding in 1972 by the six original members of the then European Communities, the EUI has earned a reputation as a leading international academic institution in the Social Sciences. The four Departments host scholars from more than 60 countries. Furthermore, the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies (RSCAS), the Max Weber Programme for Post-doctoral Studies, the School of Transnational Governance offer fellowships, post-doctoral and executive programmes. A first-class research Library and the Historical Archives of the European Union, provide unparalleled sources of information to researchers and scholars.

The Badia Fiesolana is the EUI’s hub.

The 15th Badia church stands on a site with a very eventful history. First it hosted the ecclesia which was built to honour the martyrdom of Saint Romulus (1st century AD), then the Romanesque cathedral of Fiesole (11th century AD) and finally the Badia complex, built with funds provided by Cosimo de’ Medici in the second half of the 15th century.
Cosimo “the Elder” “thought how that place ought to be lived in by excellent and lettered men, and for this took thought to make a worthy library there,” according to Vespasiano da Bisticci. This is where Cosimo indeed created one of his libraries – the other one being at the San Marco convent in Florence – by following the canon of pope Nicholas V, who had funded the Vatican Library. Across the turn of the century, under Lorenzo de’ Medici’s rule, the Badia hosted Neoplatonic studies and, among others scholars, Poliziano and Pico della Mirandola.

In 1520 the Badia was temporarily used as a hospice for the incurables of Florence’s syphilis epidemic. Less than a decade later Charles V used the Badia for his troops’ headquarters during the siege of Florence. During the following centuries the Badia was at different times a summer residence for bishops, a printing and engraving shop and civilian housing.

The Italian government offered the building as the home of the EUI, which opened its doors in 1976.
Now the EUI comprises several other historical villas in the vicinities of the Badia: villa Salviati, villa Schifanoia, villa La Fonte and the convent of San Domenico.

Click here to view the main topics of QQML 2019 Conference

Click here to view the Book of Abstracts


Conference Location



Half Day Excursion
The half day excursion is a tour in the city of Florence
· 14:30 Departure from San Domenico (close to the conference venue EUI) to Piazzale Montelungo,
· 15.00 By foot to Santa Maria Novella square
· 15.30 Meeting with the tour-guides (tour programme as attached)
· 18.30 Termination of the guided tour in Santo Spirito
· 19.00 Free evening with the opportunity to go for dinner in the area
Conference dinner
30/5 at 8.00 p.m.M
Restaurant name: Trattoria dall’Oste
Location: Via degli Orti Oricellari, 21 Firenze Close to the Central station and near the bus stop of no 7 (Please take care of the ADDRESS, they have more than one location)
See location here
Transportation: By feet.
Click the link below to view and download the PDF QQML_2019_PROGRAM
Click the link below to view and download the PDF QQML_PROGRAM_5_07_2019
Executive Director Qatar National Library, Qatar ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Plenary Talk: The Challenge of Imagining a New National Library Abstract: The role of the library in our society continues to evolve. The evolution of public and academic libraries is often discussed, but the changing role of the national library is also crucial to recognize. While a national...
PhD, Editor in Chief of Digital Library Perspectives ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Plenary Talk: International Perspectives on Library and Information Science Research Methodology: trends and practices for the profession Abstract: The international perspective about LIS research trends started with articles by Järvelin and Vakkari (1990; 1993). The Section of Library Theory and Research of IFLA after this first...
Federal University of Minas Gerais Fundação Getulio Vargas, Brazil Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Plenary Talk: Data Science, Machine Learning, Knowledge Organization and Digital Humanities: some reflections on the fields of knowledge Abstract: Data Science has been described as an interdisciplinary field of scientific methods, processes, algorithms and systems to extract knowledge or insights from...
Session title: Quo Vadis eXtended Reality (XR) in Academic Libraries
Coordinator: Prof., Dr. Plamen Miltenoff, St. Cloud State University, USA
Session title: Experimental Data Analysis Applied in Library and Information Sciences
Organizer: Veslava Osinska, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun, Poland
Session title: Linking research and practice: the synergies and their relevance to practice, policy and academia
Coordinator: Maria G. N. Musoke, Professor of Information Science and Deputy Vice Chancellor, Kyambogo University, Kampala, Uganda, East Africa
Session title: Partnerships and Collaborations for Improving Access to Healthcare Information
Coordinators: Octavia-Luciana Madge, Associate Professor, PhD, University of Bucharest, Faculty of Letters, Department of Communication Sciences, Romania & Neil Pakenham-Walsh, Coordinator of the HIFA campaign (Healthcare Information For All) and Co-director of the Global Healthcare Information Network, UK
Session title: Information Science and Knowledge Organization in Motion: The New Data Science Approach andits Underlying Technologies
Coordinator: Beatriz Valadares Cendón, Full Professor, Graduate Program in Knowledge Management and Organization, School of Information Science, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil
Session title: Bibliometrics and Scientometrics
Coordinator: Teresa S. Welsh, Ph.D., Professor and Director, School of Library & Information Science, University of Southern Mississippi, USA

Workshop 1 .
Library Strategies: Evidence for Going Forward? A Workshop /
Bertil F. Dorch, Library Director, SDU, Denmark
Lotta Svantesson, EUI Repository Manager / OA coordinator, EUI Library, Florence, Italy
Pep Torn, Director, EUI Library, Florence, Italy
Charlotte Wien, Professor, SDU, Denmark

Workshop 2 .
Information Search & Discovery, Using an Image as Query: A Workshop /
Paul Nieuwenhuysen
University Library, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium

Workshop 3 .
Writing for Wellness Healing After Natural Disasters A Workshop /
Marilyn M. Brissett, The Ralph M. Paiewonsky Library, University of the Virgin Islands

Workshop 4 .
Competitive Intelligence as a method in Library context /
Sholeh Arastoopoor PhD. In Library and information science, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad -
Mahdi Zahedi Nooghabi Ph.D. in Library and information science Freelance Researcher

Workshop 5 .
Picture analysis based on Erwin Panofsky’s Iconology as a method for subject indexing of Images using MaxQDA /
Sholeh Arastoopoor PhD. In Library and information science, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad -
Mahdi Zahedi Nooghabi Ph.D. in Library and information science Freelance Researcher

Workshop 6 .
Research opportunities in systematic methods: a menu of methods /
Margaret J. Foster, MS,MPH
Thomas D. Halling, MLIS
Susan Goodwin, MLIS, University Libraries,Texas A&M University, USA

Workshop 7 .
The Seven Virtues of the Librarian Services: An Application in Virtual Reality /
María Guadalupe Venteño Jaramillo, DGB, Estefanía Cabrera Jaimes, DGPE, Víctor Hugo Franco Serrano, DGTIC, Mexico

Event Details
March 2025