Special Sessions

Special sessions are composed of 4-6 papers on specific topic. The Session Proposals should include information about the topic, the scope and rationale, the papers and the presenters. The coordinator of a special session is responsible for the selection of the papers and chairs the session.


The research theoretical and technical papers and in-depth literature reviews.
Posters: Cases studies, innovative applications or in progress research are announced. Posters are displayed and presenters discuss them with delegates. They also are expected to present them in a 5-minutes presentation during a special poster session. Poster dimensions will be announced.

Best Practices

Case studies, applications and collaborative projects are included in these sessions. This is the opportunity for professionals to share their experience and tacit knowledge.


Workshops last 1-3 session time and involve active participation and discussion with the audience. The aim of the workshops is the skills development and the practice in new ideas. Proposals must refer the scope and rationale, the topic(s), the outcomes, the target audience and the equipment required.

Doctoral and Postgraduate Sessions

Presenting their research, the topic, the objectives, the methodology and the ongoing work they take the advantage to gain feedback.

Sponsor papers and Exhibitions

The vendors that are interested in presenting recent developments, applications, products and services must contact the conference secretariat.

Contact Us

Anthi Katsirikou
QQML Conference co-chair | Librarian, PhD, MSc anthi@isast.org